Adrian Stanwell - Photographer
Purchase Fine Art Prints

Stripping away the clothes and adornments leaves the human devoid of branding and depicts them as they are, beautiful, vulnerable, imperfect, strong.

Adrian Stanwell




I am fed up with "influencers" telling people their bodies aren't good enough and are in need of extra adornment.




Adrian has been a photographer since childhood and uses a range of cameras and processes to create his work. Specialising in printing photographically on glass using a dawn-of-photography technique, and using precious metals to make archival prints using other early photographic techniques. Adrian's prints and plates are almost unique in modern times. He also uses digital cameras and archival Epson inks to make large, mostly monochrome archival prints. Shooting both digitally and with film, Adrian loves to experiment and investigate photographic process that are being lost to time including using coffee as a developer, and hand cutting film to obsolete sizes to breathe life into older cameras. Adrian offers a printmaking service where your own photographs can be printed on glass or quality cotton paper, using any of the techniques with which he is familiar - Platinum/Palladium/Salted Paper/Glass Plate/Cyanotype and archival inkjet. Adrian admires the human form and often makes art nude images - stripping away the clothes and adornments leaves the human devoid of branding and depicts them as they are, beautiful, vulnerable, imperfect, strong.

This site is for selling Adrian's digital work.  For his plates and alternative prints, please come to Surrey Artists Open Studios https://surreyopenstudios.org.uk/ or send a message via the contact form.


People often confuse nuidty and sex, because the only time they see a naked human is when being intimate. They are different. Sex does not require nudity and nudity does not require sex.




Adrian Stanwell